Berkeley Rose Garden Photos

Megan reached out for a photo session just for her. During our call, she showed me the mood board for the photo vision that incorporated lots of flowers. I thought it was super awesome that Megan wanted to treat herself out with awesome photos. This demonstrates that you don’t necessarily need an occasion to take photos. Celebrating yourself is the occasion to get your photos taken!

On the day of the session, we met at the Berkeley Rose Garden and Megan bought bouquets worth of flowers- they were so many! We had a lot of fun arranging the flowers. She gave out flowers to strangers as we made our way towards Berkeley Rose Garden, which they really appreciated. There’s just something about flowers that brighten up your day!

Don’t be afraid to set a photo session for yourself. It’s super important to get photos taken of yourself so that you’ll remember where and who you were at that time of your life.

xoxo misterdebs

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